Propose To Her Melanin

Happy International Women’s Day! Today, we praise women of colour from the African Diaspora. We support, elevate and celebrate every shape, complexion, tone, colour, and shade of melanin. We exalt your magic that radiates within because we honour your bronze skin unapologetically.

Full Crew:
Producer / Writer & Performer: Nigel Birch (@nigeldbirch)
Director: Kardeisha Provo (@kardeishaprovo)
DOP & Editor: Matthew Pompey (@designyoursoul)
Photographer: Maryam Toson (@maryamtoson)
Creative Director: Gabrielle Lasporte (@gabriellelasporte)
Creative Assistant: Melisa Cole (@melisacole)
Costume Design & Production: Gabrielle Lasporte & Melisa Cole
Studio: OBJX (

Full Cast:
Dancer – Jayla James (@itsjaylajames)
Nurture – Amanda Maitland (@iiam.amanda)
Femininity – Nikesha Campbell-Lewis (@keeshkeesh00)
Royalty – Tisha Reid (@tishaareid)
Love – Nicollette Bryan (@thisisnicbry)
Creativity – Sharifah Weir (@callmerifahtho)
Strength – Jessica Dixon (@jakielu)
Mother Earth – Kateri Adams-De Souza (@caribgirlfly)
Peace – Denese Akua (@akua_d)

#SpokenWord #Creator #Film #ShortFilm #DesignYourSoul #PTHM #ProposeToHerMelanin #BlackWoman #BlackExcellence #BrownIsTheCrown #MelaninMagic #Melanin #InternationalWomensDay #MichelleObama @michelleobama44